Sunday, May 2, 2010

District 9

I had been told to watch this one........ so I did.

A different concept - we (the Earth) were visited but aliens and were welcomed - well treated a little bit like refugees, (not initially).  

So the Earth decided that there were too many and insisted that they move - like unwanted refugees BUT this would be against a law - if they were humans.... and the new country would have to supply them with homes, cars, telephones and coupons.

Then the Earth ran into a problem - too many aliens and the alien's behaviour was not what was embraced many wanted to leave the earth........

Interesting concept and I wonder where the 'idea / concept' came from - but did turn into a 'Starship Troopers' copy - which was great fun but not intelligent - this was well executed.

UPDATE - just received a DVD copy with commentary and log - it is always a pleasure to read / listen about films which give me a 'pause for thought'.

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